
Ministry to the Infirmed/Homebound:
The purpose of this ministry is to share Holy Communion with people, either in their homes, retirement communities, or nursing homes, who are unable to attend Mass on either a temporary or permanent basis. Contact the office at (843) 785-2895 for more details. 
This ministry is very important to the life of the Church. The lector proclaims God’s Living Word. The lector has been an official church ministry since the second century. After Vatican II the role of laity in church-related functions increased and the use of lectors in liturgy greatly expanded. 
At the Holy Family Saturday Vigil, Sunday, and Holy Day Masses, lectors welcome the congregation and read the announcements. Lectors proclaim the First and Second Readings. Lectors also serve at daily Masses on a volunteer basis proclaim the Readings and lead the Responsorial Psalm.
If you have a passion for Scripture and desire to proclaim the Word through the ministry of Lector at Holy Family, you would be most welcome to join the ministry. Contact Mrs. Joan Ehrgott at ehrgottjoane@gmail.com.
This ministry is comprised of those who are able to open the church in the mornings and prepare for Mass and other celebrations, such as Weddings and Funerals. Flexible schedules and training are provided. Call the office if you are interested in serving in this ministry. 
The Ushers greet parishioners as part of the hospitality before Mass.  Ushers arrive 15-20 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass. Ushers are generally responsible for the seating of parishioners and visitors, taking up the collection, presentation of the gifts for Holy Communion, and the distribution of bulletins and materials at the conclusion of Mass. Additionally, ushers should be able to handle emergencies and maintain medical supplies and emergency phone numbers. Ushers also control the church environment. Each Mass has a Head Usher and Assistant Head Usher, in addition to the Parish Head Usher. Background check is required.