Parish Communities

The Cursillo Movement is a movement of the Catholic Church. The name Cursillo is Spanish, meaning short course, and is often associated with a 3-Day weekend - which is only one aspect of the Cursillo Movement. The proper name is Cursillo de Cristiandad (short course of Christianity). There is much more to the Cursillo Movement than just a 3-Day weekend. The Cursillo Movement can assist each of us in developing a deeper understanding of what it means to be fully Catholic by being fully Christian.
There is a large and active Cursillo community here on Hilton Head Island and in Bluffton. If you have been on a Cursillo Weekend or are interested in knowing more, please contact the parish office. Monthly Ultreya are held here at Holy Family. DeColores!
Knights of Columbus:
An Organization of Generations for the Generations to Come.  As a service organization, the Knight of Columbus owes its many achievements to the tireless efforts of those in local councils where the greatest impact is most often witnessed, both by our families and our neighbors. Whether it’s through the support of local athletic programs, sponsoring special events, or even planning and hosting religious activities, Knights serve as valuable role models for other catholic men, as well as mentors for all our children. Hopefully, it is a source of inspiration for future generations of knights.  

Los Caballeros de Colón:

Los Caballero de Colón son una organización de servicio donde el mayor impacto es con mayor frecuencia en nuestras familias como con nuestros vecinos. Ya sea mediante el apoyo de programas deportivos locales, el patrocinio de eventos especiales o incluso la planificación y organización de actividades religiosas, los Caballeros sirven como valiosos modelos a seguir para otros hombres católicos, así como mentores para todos nuestros niños. Con suerte, ellos serán una fuente de inspiración para las futuras generaciones de caballeros.
Ladies Guild:
The Ladies Guild of Holy Family is open to all women of the parish (full and part-time). As women, we support the spiritual, cultural, and social needs of our parish and community. Monthly meetings, the 3rd Wednesday of the month, from September to April allow us to plan and meet our goals for the year as well as enjoy fellowship and lunch.
Offertory Collections Counters:
This ministry involves counting and batching weekend and holyday collections. Counters rotate this responsibility. Contact Maryann Bartolleta at the parish office, at 

Religious Articles Shop:

Our shop is located to the right of the driveway as you face the church. We carry many books, statues, and wonderful gifts. It is open after each Mass. Contact Mary at or Email:  


Respect for Life:
  Join us in prayer every Wednesday at 4:45 p.m. in the Adoration Chapel. The Holy Family Pro-Life in conjunction with Hilton Head Citizens for Life is a pro-life organization operating in the greater Hilton Head community with the purpose of protecting the value of life. Our efforts are directed at creating community awareness to protect the rights of the unborn, the sanctity of life in stem cell research, and the consequences of euthanasia in our society. HILTON HEAD CITIZENS FOR LIFE (HHCL) is run entirely by volunteers and is dependent on free will contributions by members and friends to support its work. HHCL is affiliated with the South Carolina Citizens for Life organization headquartered in Columbia. Our actions in supporting SCCL have been effective in endorsing pro-life legislation placing South Carolina in the forefront of places in our country where lives are protected.
Retirement Home Masses:
Holy Mass is offered at The Seabrook and Tidepointe Retirement Homes every Thursday. If Father is not available, Deacon offers a Communion Service.

The Saint Vincent de Paul Society:
Our mission is to offer, in a spirit of justice and charity via a person-to-person interview conducted by our volunteer members, help to those who are needy and suffering by providing temporary and emergency assistance. Our goal is to provide assistance that alleviates suffering and promotes the dignity and integrity of mankind.

Santo Vicente De Paul:
Nuestra misión deberá buscar en un espíritu de la justicia y la caridad, para ayudar los que están necesitados y sufriendo de temporario y necesitan ayuda de emergencia. Nuestra meta deberá proporcionar ayuda que alivia el sufrimiento y promueve la dignidad y la integridad de la humanidad.

Food Program:
Groceries are free to any needy Island resident every Wednesday from 4-5pm behind the Educational Building and Thursday morning from 9-10 am inside the Education Building (except during holidays). 

Despensa de Comida:
Ofrecemos alimentos gratuitos para cualquiera persona en necesidad:  Miércoles de 4 a 5 p. m. detrás del edificio educativo y los jueves por la mañana de 9 a 10 a. m. adentro del edificio de Educación (excepto durante los días festivos).